Dear South Preschool and TP Preschool Parents,
March 13th was originally a NO School Day, following ICSD calendar, however there was a snow day that cancelled a Tuesday morning session. This is a reminder that tomorrow is a "Make Up Snow Day" for Morning Session students that attend Tuesday/Thursday sessions or attend 4 days/week ONLY. If your child is ONLY enrolled for 2 days/week on Monday/Wednesday they do not attend. Busing will only pick up the Tuesday bus route students. Please note that there is NO AFTERNOON preschool session. If you have any questions, please contact your child's school. Thank you.

Dear Parents,
We have received news of a workshop course that is available for parents with children that have challenging behaviors. The course is Positive Solution through the Pyramid Model, which is the same procedures that we use at the preschool but just the parent version. Sarah Coan is the one presenting and she mentioned that registration is open for Group 2 in March. There are scholarships for low income families. Please see the flyer.

Dear Preschool Parents,We would like to start a Preschool Community Committee that will help with the preschool needs. We are seeking a few parents that are willing to provide input and support. The vision of the committee will be determined at the first meeting in February. I will be sending out a google survey as soon as I have a list of parents that are interested in volunteering. Please email me directly your interest and which school your child is at. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you so much for your continued support at the preschool.Penny SeelyPreschool Coordinatorpenny.seely@ironmail.org

Due to snow accumulation, all Iron County School District schools will follow a two-hour
delayed start on 1/11/24. Morning preschool classes are canceled. Make up day is TBD. The PM session will have its regular schedule. Thank you for your understanding.

Due to snow accumulation, all Iron County School District schools will follow a two-hour delayed start on Thursday, Jan. 11.. School start times and transportation schedules will run two hours later than normal. Morning preschool is canceled. Please check secondary bell schedules for specific class period start times. The school day will end at the regular time.
Early morning practices and other before school activities will not be held. Any field trips scheduled for departure at the beginning of the school day are also canceled.
If the weather continues to create unsafe conditions, more information will be communicated by 8 a.m.
As during all adverse conditions, we encourage parents to make attendance decisions for their children based on their specific ability to get to school safely. We trust parents to make the ultimate call when it comes to their child's safety. Teachers will work with students to make up any missed assignments.
Debido a la acumulación de nieve, todas las escuelas del Distrito Escolar del Condado de Iron comenzarán dos horas más tarde el 11 de enero. Los horarios de inicio de las escuelas y los horarios de transporte se retrasarán dos horas más tarde de lo normal. Las clases matutinas de preescolar de infancia quedan canceladas. Por favor, compruebe los horarios de las campanas secundarias para conocer los horarios específicos de inicio de las clases. El día escolar finalizará a la hora habitual.
Las prácticas tempranas de la mañana y otras actividades antes de la escuela no se llevarán a cabo. Cualquier viaje de estudios programado para partir al comienzo del día escolar también quedará cancelado.
Si el clima continúa creando condiciones inseguras, se comunicará más información a las 8 a.m. del martes por la mañana.
Como durante todas las condiciones adversas, animamos a los padres a tomar decisiones de asistencia para sus hijos en función de su capacidad específica para llegar a la escuela de manera segura. Confiamos en que los padres tomen la decisión final cuando se trata de la seguridad de sus hijos. Los maestros trabajarán con los estudiantes para recuperar cualquier tarea perdida.

Iron County School District wishes you a Happy New Year. We welcome students back to our classrooms on Jan. 3. District offices are open Jan. 2. Teachers will also be back, participating in professional development. See you on Wednesday!

Good Evening,
This is a reminder that tomorrow is picture retake day. If your child is new or missed the previous date, this will be done tomorrow only from about 10:10am-1:00pmish. If it isn't your child's regular scheduled day then you will need to transport them to school for their pictures.
Thanks so much

Good Evening,
This is a reminder that tomorrow is picture retake day. If your child is new or missed the previous date, this will be done tomorrow only from 9:45am-1:00pmish. If it isn't your child's regular scheduled day then you will need to transport them to school for their pictures.
Thanks so much

Good Afternoon Parents: This is one last push to get your 4 year olds enrolled before Upstart's deadline this month. If you would like to have your child participate in this free online program, and help give them a jump start for Kindergarten with just minutes a day, please go to the link provided. waterford.org/upstart

Parents, the district is holding a Parent's Night at Canyon View High School tonight starting at 6:30pm. The speaker is talking to us about Resiliency. This speaker is to help support the topic of mental health. Hope to see you there.

The Cedar City Slow Roll is going on right now until 7:30pm at the cemetary. Come and to the Ghost Tour with or without costumes and get some ghostly treats. Hope to see you there.

Dear Parents:
This is a reminder that there is no Preschool Monday (23rd) for Fall Break. There is also no Preschool Tuesday (24th) as this is a designated Teacher Professional Learning Day. Elementary and Secondary schools resume Tuesday the 24th. Thank you

A phone call from a child who is crying can stir up all kinds of emotions for a parent. Scammers are playing on that vulnerability and calls targeting parents are on the rise. Reports of parents receiving such calls have been reported at some elementary schools.
If you receive a call like this during the school day, please do the following:
* Call dispatch at 435-586-2955 and report the phone call.
* Call the school to reassure yourself that your child is OK.
* Do not give the caller personal identifying information by speaking a name.
* Stay calm.
* Keep your social media settings on private so scammers do not have access to information about your children.

Just a reminder that Wednesday and Thursday are Picture Day for South and Three Peaks Preschool. If you haven't received the order form flyer, please see the attached copy or there are some extras at the school.

Just a reminder that THREE PEAKS PRESCHOOL Family Night is tonight (5:30-7:00pm). Come learn about and get a fun new Math Board Game, ask District Personnel questions about the upcoming bond, get some swag from new partner Waterford Upstart online academic program, as well as yummy pizza. See you there!

Just a reminder that SOUTH PRESCHOOL Family Night is tonight (5:30-7:00pm). Come learn about and get a fun new Math Board Game, ask District Personnel questions about the upcoming bond, get some swag from new partner Waterford Upstart online academic program, as well as yummy pizza. See you there!

Here is the Preschool's Newsletter for September. This month's theme is colors. Learn about simple fun ways to reinforce learning colors at home.
Also, if all tuition and grant students' parents could fill out the ASQ screeners to see if there are any areas that we need to support with at the preschool.

Just a reminder that we have our Family Event this evening 5:30-7:00pm. This is for New Families coming in and Established Students moving on to Kindergarten. Come and learn some new things, have a little activity, and get a fun prize to take home. Their will also be a sweet treat. Hope to see you soon.

For new incoming preschoolers. This Family Night is to help familiarize yourself with the preschool program, policies, sign up for the free online Upstart program, and get some prizes. Please join us April 5th for South Preschool and April 6th for Three Peaks Preschool 5:30-7:00pm. Hope to see you there.

For all advancing preschoolers. This Family Night is to help fight the "Summer Slide." Please join us April 5th for South Preschool and April 6th for Three Peaks Preschool 5:30-7:00pm. Hope to see you there.