Please see our attached Campus Security letter that will go into effect January 2023.

THREE PEAKS PRESCHOOL: Prizes are outside the office at Three Peaks Preschool. Thanks for coming and making it such a wonderful activity.

THREE PEAKS PRESCHOOL: Tonight from 5:30-7:00pm at Three Peaks Preschool we are having our Family Game Night! Come and join us for games, make activities, enjoy treats, and enter a raffle for a game/puzzle that you can do with your family. See you soon!

Prizes are in the office at South Preschool. Thanks for coming and making it such a wonderful activity.

Tonight from 5:30-7:00pm at South Preschool we are having our Family Game Night! Come and join us for games, make activities, enjoy treats, and enter a raffle for a game/puzzle that you can do with your family.
See you soon!

We just finished hearing screening and the Audiologist has noticed that many children have a lot of waxy ear buildup that is affecting their hearing. We have ear wax to act as a waterproof protection against germs and infections entering our bodies. It also traps dirt and other particles as well. However, if it isn't cleaned out regularly it can build up until it starts blocking out sound and affecting how we hear. To help your child's waxy build up, during bath or shower time, it is as easy as having them fill their ear canal with warm water, letting it warm up the waxy, and then having them stilt their head to the side to drain the melted wax. It is okay to wipe the outside of the ear with a cloth, but NEVER USE COTTON SWABS to remove earwax in the canal. This can damage the eardrum. Thank you

Welcome Back Preschoolers.
We are so excited to see littles in the buildings again. Please be aware of our new preschool calendar. South Preschool should have been getting them this past week and TP Preschool will start getting them tomorrow. Be advised that we needed to modify from previous year to make M/W and T/Th students days even. This means that there is NO SCHOOL on Tuesday, Sept. 6th. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause in making plans. Thank you so much for your understanding.